Friday 9 June 2017

House of card: Season Five Review

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When House of Cards premiered in 2013, it was such a breath of fresh air and it gave you sort of an insight of what really went on in the minds of the politicians and those running the White House. I love the chemistry between Kevin Spacey and Robin Right who play their characters so well. I felt so bad for Will Conway after he lost the election, but what did you expect? The Underwood's always win! A few people were also killed during this season, Aidan Macallan, LeAnne Harvey and Tom Yates. I honestly don't know what they were thinking when they killed these people, it'll definitely come back to them some time in the future. Mark is also going to use the fact that he took care of Tom Yates' body as leverage against Claire, which he already did when he asked to be made Vice President. We were introduced to Mark Usher and Jane Davis this season and they've already been welcomed into the Underwood fold while Cathy Durant has been taken out. I wish we saw a bit of the personal lives of the supporting characters and not just what they brought to the table at the White House. 
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One thing I didn't like was the fact that Doug had become too predictable. When the Underwood's ask him to take the fall, I expected him to say yes then pack his bags and ditch town but he didn't. Is it that easy to get someone to take the fall for something they didn't do? I don't think so. It feels like Frank and Claire have no emotions what so ever and they knew they wouldn't be held accountable for their actions which isn't possible in the real world. You can't keep getting away with everything, one day you'll get caught. I actually wish they went with making Will the president and Claire the Vice President which would have been an interesting turn of events while still keeping everything fresh and not predictable. Doug is still the creepiest character on the show and I still wish he didn't take the fall for Frank. He always has very weird relationships on the side and this season was no different. I think Michael Kelly plays this role so well, he deserves an award. Why did they even have to kill LeAnne? This season was quite dark and I'm sure we're never going to see Mahershala Ali's Remy Danton and Molly Parker's Jackie Sharp who were also very good characters. One of my favorite characters this season was Will Conway, who I thought had a few secrets of his own. I actually wish he was somehow still part of the show so we'll see more of him and his family. I also liked Campbell Scott as Mark Usher. He seemed to be always calm but he was also good at scheming. I could never figure out who's side he was on. Now he's with Romero, next minute he's with Will and then later the Underwood's. Claire breaking the fourth wall was probably two of my best moments and I hope we see more of that in the next season. In the finale moments of this season, it's obvious that there's tension between Frank and Claire. Are they now rivals? Who's going to kill who? It's hard not to anticipate next season with all these questions. 

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