Friday 7 October 2016

Arrow: Season 5 Premiere Recap

The Arrow (Stephen Amell)
In the fifth season premiere, Oliver is now the mayor of Star City and juggling his political roles and his role as a vigilante. Thea still doesn't want that type of life, Diggle is still on some sort of vacation after murdering his brother in the last season so Oliver is left to work alone with Felicity. She keeps telling him to recruit new people and train them but he refuses. Instead he works with Quentin Lance and some police officers to take down the new villain Tobias Church. Lance returned to his old drinking habits again but snaps out of it after listening to Oliver's speech. He realizes that he could do something other than wasting his life drinking and grieving so he helps out team Arrow. Tobias' main aim for now is to take down the Green Arrow, so he crashes the unveiling of the Black Canary's statue and kidnaps Oliver and three other people. Oliver is able to disentangle himself from the situation which takes us to the flashbacks of him in Russia hunting down Constantine Kovar and how Anatoli helped him get out of the situation. 

Viktoh (Mike Dopud) and Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell)
  Oliver manages to get away from Tobias' men with the help of Speedy and decides to come back for the other three captives. Thea is mad at Oliver for giving up on his "no killing policy" and he tells her that Malcolm was right all along and that he has to do whatever is necessary to keep the city safe.
Oliver is able to get the other captives from Tobias' lair with the help of some police officers but Tobias escapes. 
Speedy (Willa Holland) and Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell)
 He has a video chat with Diggle who thinks its a good idea to rebuild the team. Even though he's thousands of miles away, he's still able to help Oliver work through his emotions. Back at Felicity's loft, we see that she has a new boyfriend, Detective Billy Malone. The episode ends with another archer (Prometheus) taking out one of Lance's cops. After four very long seasons of conflicting emotions and uncertainty, Oliver Queen may finally know what he's doing especially the fact that he dropped his "no killing" policy which I thought wasn't realistic for a superhero.  
He's changed a lot since the season premiere and finally listening to other people's opinions. He accepts that he needs to move forward and put together a new team to help him put away the bad guys. 

View the fifth season's trailer below;
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