Tuesday 24 October 2017

Review- Geostorm (2017)

Image via imdb.com
The governments of the world unite to create a program named "Dutch Boy" which surrounds the planet and is designed to save earth from natural disasters. After three years of protecting the planet, something goes wrong and it's left to two estranged brothers to solve the problem before a world wide geostorm occurs. After watching the trailer for Geostorm, I already knew what was going to happen. It's the same with most disaster films, but I saw it anyway. It's filled with so much CGI that I started having headaches from all the lights and explosions. Although,  I'll admit that the special effects were really good. I don't think there's any point making more disaster films because they all end up being the same, nothing new or out of the ordinary. The worst thing about Geostorm was the storyline which was filled with really terrible dialogues that would only make you laugh out loud and wonder why they made these actors star in such a film. The reason for blowing up the planet didn't make any sense and the conspiracy sounded so ridiculous. 
Image via ew.com
Geostorm is the same with every disaster film. The good guy has a daughter that doesn't want him to leave, there's a bad guy in the government, there's an Asian tech guy, a lot of explosions, buildings collapsing and a lot of casualties. At some point, the good guy decides to do something that could kill him but save the planet and he goes ahead with it. He saves the planet and almost gets killed but is surprisingly saved by someone and of course he lives. The heroes never die. There's a really cliche love story somewhere in the story too. I forgot to add that the US & China were leading the program. Surprise surprise! There's also a Nigerian with a terrible accent. It's not compulsory you see Geostorm because you'll definitely leave the theater not as excited as you were an hour 49 minutes earlier. Save your money or see it from your laptop or TV screen. 

DIRECTOR Dean Devlin
WRITER Dean Devlin, Paul Guyot
STARRING Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish, Alexandra Maria Lara, Richard Schiff, Ed Harris, Andy Garc�a, 
RUNNING TIME 1hr 49mins
RELEASE DATE October 20, 2017

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