Monday 28 August 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 finale recap- "The Dragon and the Wolf"

WARNING!! Major Spoilers ahead!!

Sunday nights won't be the same for the next couple of months because the seventh season of Game of Thrones is over!! After teasing us for so many seasons, winter finally came! At the end of the sixth season, Cersei killed most of her enemies and after her son committed suicide, she crowned herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She became more determined to take down anyone who challenged her power and this included Daenerys and her allies.The season was a good one for House Stark, they took back Winterfell and the Stark kids finally reunited this season after so many years apart, but they all returned as different people. Sansa became a bit more intelligent than she was in the previous seasons, Arya became an assassin and Bran became the Three Eyed Raven. After escaping from the Iron Islands with a hundred ships,  Yara and Theon pledged their allegiance to House Targaryen but they were attacked by Euron who kidnapped his niece and took her to Cersei as a gift, while Theon escaped. The seventh season of HBO's Game of Thrones has been a roller coaster, especially for Jon Snow and Daenerys, who lost one of her Dragons to the Night King.
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    Now lets talk about the finale! I'm not even sure how to describe how I feel after watching "The Dragon and the Wolf", especially the final scenes which just gave me serious goosebumps. The episode was filled with major events which will shape the course of things in the eight and final season. Jon, Daenerys and Tyrion have a meeting at Westeros to let Cersei know that the army of the dead are actually real and not just stories. They try to convince The Queen to put a pause on her fight against them for the Iron Throne to form an alliance to beat The Night King and his army. She eventually agrees to do this after her brother Tyrion convinces her. The conversation between Tyrion and Cersei was played out perfectly by Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage thanks to their amazing performances. Unbeknownst to everyone, including Jaime, Cersei made other plans with Euron Greyjoy to sail to Essos to pick up The Golden Company which she paid for with gold from The Iron Bank. Jaime tells his twin sister/lover that he'll sail North like he promised and she threatens to have him killed be The Mountain. Really Cersei? You would kill the only person that actually cares about you? Such a toxic relationship between these siblings.
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Far off in Winterfell, the Stark sisters teamed up to take down their common enemy and the sneakiest person in Kings Landing, Lord Baelish aka Little Finger. This, I didn't expect to happen so soon. I felt they were going to play out the Stark sisters hating and not trusting each other for a while. Nevertheless, seeing Little Finger beg for his life was one of the most satisfying things to watch (not as satisfying as Ramsay's death) mostly because of all the evil things he did and planned to do through Sansa. She used his advice against him and had Arya slice his throat. Little Finger was one character I loved to hate, I could never predict the motive behind his actions. Its a sad departure for the amazing Aiden Gillen who played his character so well.
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One of my favorite parts about the finale was when Bran revealed Jon's true parentage to Sam. Yeah, we already knew, but seeing Rhaegar Targaryan and Lyanna Stark's secret wedding through Bran made me happy for a second but at the same time I got pissed seeing Jon make love to his aunty. It was just weird to watch, we already have enough of the incest with Jaime and Cersei.
"He's never been a bastard. He's the heir to the Iron Throne. He needs to know. We need to tell him"-Bran Stark
All hell broke loose when the blue eyed Night King riding Viserion brings down The Wall to make way for the Army of the Dead as they all march silently to Westeros. The Great War next season is  going to be intense and I'm wondering how the Army of the Dead will be stopped.
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What do you think about the Game of Thrones finale? I thought it was amazing but not as good as the sixth season finale. Its obviously going to be a bloodbath and I honestly can't wait for them to blow our minds next season which will premiere in 2018 or 2019. HBO has confirmed that the final season will consist of 6 movie length episodes and filming may begin October 2017.

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