Friday 17 November 2017

How To Get Away With Murder Mid Season Finale- "Live. Live. Live."


Throughout this season, Laurel, Michaela, Frank, Asher and Oliver have been cooking up a plan to expose Luarel's father and they had been teasing with flash forwards like they always do that there was going to be a death and Luarel was going to wake up in the hospital asking for her baby. 
The episode starts with a flash forward of Oliver on the phone as he steps out of the elevator and walks into Teegan's office to find everyone covered in blood with a body on the floor. They flash back to 24 hours earlier with Connor storming to Laurel's house to confront them about the the plan to take down Antares. He threatens to tell Annalise and provoked Frank who attempts to choke him but is stopped by the rest of the gang. He mistakenly hits Laurel's belly and she's briefly in pain. Annalise gets stuck on the elevator on her way to her hotel room and she finds Bonnie waiting for her at the door. Bonnie apologizes but Annalise confesses that she's afraid of her. The conversation intercuts with scenes of Isaac confronting his wife about going to Annalise. He describes his relationship with Annalise as "an intimate relationship with a powerful, attractive woman". Okay Dr. Isaac, you need to step back a little. Bonnie also shows up at Nate's house for an AA (Annalise Anonymous) meeting. She accuses him of telling Annalise about her involvement with Isaac but he assures her that he had nothing to do with that. He orders Pizza when she asks him how he got over Annalise.

  Finally! The party! Laurel and Annalise are back home struggling with how their personal problems have damaged the lives of those around them and they both decide to leave their apartments with Laurel going to the party and Annalise going to see Isaac. Annalise tells Isaac that she wants to keep him as her therapist. The conversation is interrupted by a call from Connor who reveals that Laurel's dad killed Wes and that the entire gang were planning to bankrupt Antares. Back at the party, Michaela and Asher are trying to find different ways to get Tegan's purse while Connor and Oliver are interrupted by Simon who insults Connor about being jobless. By the way, Frank is at Simon's apartment uploading Antares files on his laptop to frame him as the whistleblower. Simon ends up apologizing to Oliver and admits that he likes him and is jealous of his relationship. 
Before he's able to tell them not to go through with the plan, Laurel appears and tells them to go through with it. Michaela is finally able to get Tegan's purse by telling her how it'll look if she held her purse while giving a speech and it works. She gets the key card and gives it to Asher who gives it to Oliver. Oliver and Laurel are able to get the files and Asher decides that they should plant the keycard on Simon with Oliver kissing him and slipping it into his pocket. Oliver searches for Simon but gets a phone call from Connor revealing to him that he told Annalise everything. 

  Meanwhile, Annalise leaves a voicemail for Laurel telling her to come to her hotel apartment. Asher, Laurel and Michaela are discussing if they should plant the key card on Simon when Simon walks in and overhears them. Laurel offers to pay him off but he grabs her bag and finds a gun. Everyone is telling him to calm down but as he backs up, he trips on a chair and the gun goes off. He falls to the floor and a pool of blood forms around his head. Asher picks up he gun and Michaels screams at him to drop it. Oliver walks in to tell them about the Annalise and screams when he sees Simon on the floor. Before they call 911, they carefully come up with a plan. Michaela wipes the blood off Laurel's face and tells her to leaves, she puts the stolen key card in Simon's pocket, wipes the gun and drops it beside him. Then, they call 911.  Laurel went over to Annalise's and on her way up, the elevator stops working. She sees drops of blood on the floor and realizes that she's in labor. When Frank hit her belly by accident the night before, it affected the baby. She tries to call 911 but there's no signal so she starts screaming for help. Annalise eventually hears her screams and tries to open the elevator. She calls 911 and when she shakes Laurel to wake up, she discovers that the baby was out.

  Scenes of doctors trying to save Simon Intercuts with Annalise trying to get the baby. She performs CPR on the baby while the doctors do the same on Simon. Back at Caplan and Gold, Asher gets arrested while Michaela is on the phone with Connor who's at Laurel house searching for her. The scariest part is that Wes's murderer, Dominic is hiding somewhere listening to Connor's conversation. Simon flatlines and Annalise is still chanting "Live, Live, Live." The episode ends with the sound of a baby's cry. This has been one of the most gut wrenching and graphic episodes yet and I was in so much shock. How To Get Away With Murder always shines in its finales and this was no different. I couldn't get over how good Aja Naomi King was in this episode. You could literally feel her emotions when Simon shot himself. When Annalise was trying to bring back the baby, all I could think about was how she felt when she lost hers. It was so raw. 

Will Annalise and the rest of the gang every catch a break? I guess we'll find out when they return January 18, 2018. 
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