Wednesday 11 October 2017

The Flash Season Four Premiere Review- "The Flash Reborn"

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"The Flash Reborn" begins 6 months after the events of last season, since Barry walked into the Speed Force. Kid Flash has been fighting crimes since then and Iris is now leading what's left of the Star Labs team which means, she's now kind of like Felicity in Arrow. Harrison Wells 2.0 (Tom Cavanaugh) is no more after he died at the end of season three and Julian (Tom Felton) has "gone back to London". I'm really happy about this because it felt like they were focusing on too many characters last season, now they can focus on the real team Barry, Cisco, Cateline, Iris and Joe. The team was able to bring back Barry from the Speed Force but he returned as a completely different person. He couldn't really remember anyone of his friends and kept talking gibberish. It only took Iris putting herself in danger for him to snap back into reality and become The Flash again. I feel like this was too easy and quick. Barry was in the Speed Force for 6 months, not 6 minutes, I wish they explored this path more by not making him snap back in the first episode and I hope they'll explore how the Speed Force affected him somehow. 
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I'm also trying to figure out Wally's use in the series because he really doesn't do much. It seems like the writers are still trying to figure out where he fits into the story. Last season's finale made it seem like getting Barry out of the Speed Force would have been almost impossible but Cisco is miraculously able to bring him back a few minutes into the episode. It was also nice to see Iris play a much bigger role in the episode, Candice Patton continues to deliver a strong performance as Barry's love interest and future wife. I'm glad that Caitlin is back on the team, although this also felt too sudden and rushed. She's also still struggling with her alter ego "Killer Frost". The final scene introduces us to the major villain for the season, The Thinker/Clifford DeVoe played by Neil Sandilands. Hopefully he'll be a better villain than last season's Savitar who I thought was the worst villain so far. The major problem with the premiere was the fact that they brought Barry back so quickly instead of taking advantage of his absence in Central City. Season three was its most lackluster and darkest season to date but I have a good feeling that this season will be better. New episodes of The Flash air every Tuesday. 

The major villain this season is The Thinker and he first appeared in All Flash #12 published in 1943. After his career as a lawyer failed, he started a new one as the brain behind small-time villains by using his "Thinking Cap", a metal hat that could project metal force. When his physical body died, he became a non-living artificial intelligence with more power. The woman with him at the end of the episode is called "The Mechanic". 

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