Thursday 6 April 2017

Prison Break- Season Five Premiere: "Ogygia"

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Prison Break returned to FOX after almost eight years of being off air. I'm not really sure why they revived the show but I'm happy and excited they did. The fifth season is tagged an event/miniseries and it's going to contain 9 episodes. I was a bit concerned when they only showed Michael Scofield at the end of the hour long episode. It's going to be just a few episodes, how are they going to get everything out in nine episodes? I just hope it doesn't get rushed at the end. 
Okay, so Michael is miraculously alive after he presumably died seven years ago and the first person to find out is T-Bag who is still creepy as hell especially with his fake hand. After being released from prison, he gets a mysterious package with a picture of Michael in prison which he takes to Lincoln who is back in his old ways of owing people money, just like the first season. He doesn't want to believe, especially the fact that it's coming from T-Bag the former villain (and could be future villain) but he takes the letter to Sarah in New York who's now moved on from Michael and married. She thinks the photo is fake but Lincoln doesn't want to give up the fact that his brother could be alive.
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 He finds out that there's a hidden word on the letter he got form T-Bag which spelt "Ogygia", a prison in Yemen. He digs up Michael's grave and finds an empty coffin. We all know that when these guys get new information or start tracking a lead, bad people start popping up form left and right. A guy in a red car taps into Lincoln's car making it drive straight into a lake. He calls Sarah to tell her about the incident but a lady with short blonde hair had just arrived to kill Sarah and maybe her son. The blonde haired lady shoots Sarah's husband but the police intervenes just before she's able to kick down the bathroom door where Sarah and Michael Junior were hiding. 
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Lincoln decides to go to Yemen so he seeks help from C-Note who had found peace through Islam. At the mosque, his friend helps them to figure out where exactly Michael is being held. Sucre (who now looks hotter than he did a few years ago) finds Lincoln and insists on going to Yemen but Lincoln refuses, saying he'll need him very soon so he leaves for Yemen with C-Note. The airport is really crowded and a lot of people are trying to get out of Yemen. Someone pretending to be their driver picks them up and leads them to an ambush but C-Note and Lincoln are able to put down about a dozen guys. They are rescued by a woman named Sheba (Inbar Lavi), C-Note's contact in Yemen. Lincoln finds a tag on the jacket Michael was buried in which says "Kaniel Outis". This is the name of a terrorist and also the name Michael was registered with in Prison. 
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While all this is going on, T-Bag was getting a new prosthetic hand courtesy of an anonymous person. What is really going on here? The doctor tells T-Bag that the anonymous person was only known as "Outis", the same name on Michael's jacket tag. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Back at the prison in Yemen, Lincoln finally sees Michael who places his hand strategically for his brother and C-Note to see his tattoos. The only shocker was when he said "My name's not Michael and I don't know who you are, sorry". What?? Are you being serious Michael? There are only two options -He's undercover or he has been brainwashed or maybe both. Can these brothers ever catch a break?
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When I found out about the reboot I was extremely excited, mostly because I think Prison Break is one of the most influential shows ever made and it has a cult following and people (precisely me) can't get enough of its two main characters especially Wentworth Miller's Michael Scofield. I'm happy the conspiracy started immediately the episode began, no time to waste with just nine episodes.
I have really high hopes for this miniseries, lets just hope its going to be better than the previous seasons or maybe just as good. 

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