Monday 10 April 2017

Homeland: Season Six Finale- "America First"

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This season of Showtime's Homeland has been really sad, twisted and filled with a lot of suspense! The episode ended with Carrie wondering if her country has turned her back on her again! Just like when Brody died. At the beginning of the season, Carrie's client was arrested, framed and set up with explosives in the truck he was driving and of course only Carrie believed he was innocent. Can everyone just listen to Carrie when she has a lead? She's always right! Dar Adaal tortures a senator to get information about the "Toxic Soldier" plan which was designed to turn Quinn into a patsy. The plan was set up without Dar's knowledge so he calls McClendon (Robert Knepper) to confirm but he denies it saying the plan was discussed but not enacted. 
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   Carrie and Quinn return to Manhattan and they are so sure that something is about to go down and McClendon's team is involved. When Quinn says he's going to the back to look for McClendon's men, I knew something terrible was going to happen to him but I certainly didn't expect him to die. Anyways, a bomb threat is called in and everyone including Carrie, Keane & Saul have to evacuate the building. Carrie knows for sure that's it's about to go down but she's not certain of where, when and how. She gets a call from Dar, and he tells her not to let Keane's motorcade leave the hotel parking lot. Now she's conflicted because she's not sure if she should trust Dar and his evil ways but just at the nick of time, she jumps in front of Keane's car and the two cars that just exited the parking lot explode. Agent Thomas, Keane and Carrie rush to safety but McClendon's team arrives to finish the job. They ask the agent about the president elect but shoot him because he wasn't ready to cooperate. Carrie and Keane rush into the elevator and meet Quinn at the bottom floor who tells them to lie down in the car while he drives them out. Oh.. Quinn my hero!! He drives through the armed men who keep shooting at the car, two bullets hit him and his vision gets blurry until he finally dies. He saved Keane and Carrie! I still think it was a shitty (excuse the language) way to kill off a very beloved character who has literally come back to life more times than anyone. 
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   Fast forward to six weeks later, Keane has been sworn in as president behind closed doors, 16 government officials have been arrested and put in military jail, Dar has been arrested and Keane's new right hand man is played by Linus Roach. This guy already seems so evil. When Saul visits Dar in prison, Dar tells him that he still doesn't like Keane and calls her "Distinctly in-American". Carrie's case worker comes for a visit, it goes well and Carrie proceeds to the basement to talk to a drunk Max but starts packing Quinn's stuff in a garbage bag. She finds a copy of Great Expectations  with and envelope. The envelope contains a few pictures including hers which made her cry some more. I teared up a bit here. Poor Carrie! Will she ever catch a break? Then the worst happens. Saul is arrested! Carrie calls the president but her calls are ignored. She goes to the White House and Keane's right hand, David but they stop her from getting into Keane's office. She's escorted out of the building after she screams at Keane who's calmly drinking a glass of water. For die hard Homeland fans, like me I'm extremely sad with the fact that they killed a very beloved characterRupert Friend's portrayal of Peter Quinn is without a doubt of of his best roles. This season he dealt with so much and I began to feel like he was Immortal be the just never died. I was really wishing and hoping he had a future with Carrie. Keane is evil after all, I can't really say I'm so surprised. Dar was right after all. I feel so bad for Carrie who trusted her with everything. At least she still has Saul to watch over her since Quinn is gone. After Damian Lewis left in the third season, it was kind of up to Quinn to hold the show together, which he did very well. He was a fan favorite and his death was such a shocker. I wish he would just pop out of somewhere next season. I hope he gets a better role in another show, I'll definitely watch. The finale definitely felt rushed, they didn't even show us Quinn's memorial. it wasn't a proper way to kill his character.  The finale laid the groundwork for next season which I know is going to be chaotic especially with Keane in the White House. Till next season, all the best Rupert Friend! You'll be missed dearly. 
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