Sunday 9 July 2017

What You Need To Know: Game of Thrones Season Six Recap

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Okay guys, as we all know, Winter has finally arrived and I'm sure we're all excited and pumped. The seventh season of HBO's Game of Thrones returns in a few days on July 16th and I know a lot of us must have forgotten a few details from the last season and this is where I come in. I put together a few things we should know before season seven premieres. 

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To the excitement of everyone, Jon Snow literally resurrected from the dead with the help of the Red woman. He executes everyone involved in his murder and he was crowned king of the North after defeating Ramsay Bolton and winning back Winterfell. Jon also reunited with Sansa after so many seasons apart. The closing scene of last season revealed Ned Stark's sister Lyanna giving birth to Rhaegar Targaryan's child through Bran's vision. This son, as it seems, turned out to be Jon Snow. 

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Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons was last seen setting sail for Westeros with Tyrion, Greyworm, Missandei, Varys and her Dragons. She also has Lady Olenna Tyrell and the Sand Snakes of Dorne as her supporters. She still doesn't have a man of her own since she left Dario Naaharis in Mereen. Is she going to claim the Iron Throne? I guess we'll find out soon.

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Cersei was one of the major reasons season six was epic and worth watching. She killed almost the entire Kings Landing population including The High Sparrow, Lancel, Margaery and Loras Tyrell by blowing them up. Her only child and the King, Tommen threw himself out of the window after he found out what his mother did. Cersei claimed the iron throne in a completely black outfit. We know what Cersei is capable of and how manipulative she can be, I can't wait to see what she does when she comes in contact with Daenerys. The death of her children seems like it's going to make her more evil. We just have to wait and see.

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The Kings Slayer has definitely been through so much since he was taken hostage by Lady Stark a few seasons ago. His daughter Myrcella also died in this arms at the end of the fifth season. When he returned to Kings Landing, he discovered that his only child, Tommen, was dead as well. This left Jaime heartbroken and in shock. Is he going to challenge his sister on the Iron Throne? Hopefully he'll reunite soon with his brother Tyrion and maybe they'll go against Cersei together with The Mother of Dragons. Jaime will have two options next season, it's either he's with his sister or against her, he can't be on the fence.

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Tyrion started serving The Mother of Dragons together with Varys and they were sailing to Westeros at the end of the sixth season.

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Arya has also been through so much these past seasons. In the previous season, she went blind and trained to become an assassin. She was able to kill The Waif, Walder Frey and his sons. Which means she's probably back on her killing list. She claimed her name in the The Winds of Fire and hopefully she'll reunite with her family soon.

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Feeding Ramsay Bolton to his dogs was one of the most epic parts of the last season. Sansa is no longer soft like she was in the past seasons, she toughened up, is more confident and reunited with Jon after so many years away. Although, Little Finger is still trying to make her his wife. Hopefully this doesn't happen. She shared this look with him in The Winds of Winter that seemed like she was open to his suggestions. We'll find out in a few days.

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Bran was up to a lot last season and through him we discovered probably one of the greatest discoveries so far, which is the fact that Jon Snow is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryan. He was also responsible for the death of the Three Eyed Raven and Hodor. Now he's left with the task of getting to Winterfell to let Jon Snow know who his true parents are. Meera was by his side throughout the last season.

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After the death of their father, the siblings pledged their allegiance to Daenerys by giving her a thousand ships. Their cousin Euron also had hopes of getting married to Daenerys.

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She was responsible for bringing Jon Snow back to life but she was confronted by Davos about her involvement in Princess Shireen's death in the fifth season. After being banished, she headed South. I wonder who she'll come in contact with next season. 

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The Hound was on a quest for vengeance but he joined The Brotherhood to fight The White Walkers. There might be some problems if he comes into contact with Arya next season.

The premiere episode is said to be 58 minutes long which is one of the longest premieres they've had in a while. The season was filmed on location in Iceland and Spain. Game of Thrones will come to an end after the eight season. Winter is finally here and I'm sure we're all excited to see whats in store. If I missed any detail, you can let me know in the comments below.

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